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Presenter(s): Megan-Brette Hamilton, PhD, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: Many clinicians may feel they lack the time, skills, or competence to effectively address diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); it might feel like one more thing on an already-long list of considerations and requirements. But if we focus on our passion for working with people and change our perspective about providing culturally responsive services, then it's not more work, it is the work. This course discusses the value of addressing DEI as part of audiology and SLP services and provides practical ideas for doing so.
Presenter(s): Ruchi Kapila, MS, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: Focusing on the perspectives of transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) individuals and communities, this session explores ways SLPs who currently--or aspire to--provide voice and communication services to TGNC individuals can better meet the holistic needs of this client population.
Presenter(s): Phyllis R Scott, PhD, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.2
Summary: Many young adults with mild-to-moderate communication disorders struggle to achieve their postsecondary goals. This on demand webinar equips SLPs working in private practice, health care, or school settings to utilize language-based social-emotional coping strategies to help young adults with language impairments improve their self-efficacy, career readiness, and employability.
Presenter(s): Danielle M Connor, MS, CCC-SLP; Annie Govea, MS, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, access to our patients for in-person treatment may be limited and our ability to develop a relationship with patients/caregivers may have taken a toll due to facility protocols to protect against the spread of infection. As health care providers, we must reflect on our abilities to communicate with patients and their families, ensuring understanding of their deficits and treatment options even as we continue through a pandemic. This course provides the clinician with a review of holistic assessments and health literacy approaches that will empower the patient to make informed decisions. This course is a recorded session from the 2021 ASHA Convention Virtual Library (session 2140V).
Presenter(s): Eusebia V Mont, MS, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.2
Summary: Audiologists and SLPs often face challenging ethical dilemmas related to evaluation and intervention with multicultural and multilingual populations. Interpretation and application of the revised ASHA Code of Ethics (2023) may seem daunting and leave you with questions such as, "How do these changes impact me?" and "Can I refuse to provide services if I don't feel competent to treat a non-English-speaking individual?" This on demand webinar reviews the provisions of the revised Code of Ethics related to culturally responsive intervention and shares problem-solving strategies to work through ethical dilemmas you might encounter in professional practice.
Presenter(s): Kyomi Dana Gregory-Martin, PhD, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.2
Summary: When evaluating and treating a client, patient, or student for any type of disorder, audiologists and SLPs need to consider the individual's culture, including the language and dialect they speak. This on demand webinar discusses the acronym MIND (Minority Indigenous Nonstandardized Dialects) and explores the social stigma and unfair treatment individuals often experience due to their language or dialect (known as linguicism).
Credit(s): PDHs: 4.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.45
Summary: This SIG 10 activity includes four articles exploring mindfulness, quality of life, and the impact of COVID in CSD programs. In the first article, outcomes are studied when graduate SLP students engage in a remote synchronous mindfulness program (RSMP). In the second article, a tutorial for contemplative pedagogy in CSD classrooms is introduced. Next, the quality of life and sleep among Brazilian SLP students during the COVID-19 pandemic is explored. The last article describes an exploratory study characterizing CSD doctoral students’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Presenter(s): Julie D Malone, MS, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: Do you need a raise but don't know where to start? Do you want to improve your working conditions? Advocacy does not have to be intimidating. This session from ASHA's 2021 Schools Connect online conference shares a unique framework to guide your individual negotiations with administrators and leaves you with practical tips to build your confidence as a successful self-advocate.
Credit(s): PDHs: 4.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.45
Summary: In this SIG 10 activity, Farrugia explores the preparatory experiences of SLPs working in early intervention (EI) in Michigan, as a first step toward understanding how to best prepare students for practice and on-the-job learning in EI. McDaniel, Hessling Prahl, and Schuele provide a tutorial for a PhD Student–Mediated Mentorship Model (PSMMM) used within their lab. The PS-MMM teaches PhD students to be research mentors, encourages graduate clinicians to transition to research and doctoral training, and aims to increase the research experiences available to undergraduate and graduate students. Ronney and Kirby offer a critical review regarding service-learning with audiology students and their clients/patients. They describe best practice and common challenges to inform future research. Finally, Brackenbury and Kopf describe how game-based learning can facilitate student and client instruction through increased motivation and engagement, including suggestions for implementation in classroom and clinical settings.
Presenter(s): Alicia B Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: Cultural competence can be defined as the knowledge and skills a provider requires in order to meet the social, cultural, and linguistic needs of clients, patients, and/or students while providing impactful services. This micro course explores questions like, "What are ways I can obtain information about the cultural traditions, preferences, and experiences of a client, patient, or student?" and "How can I partner with them to gain this essential information?"
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