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Presenter(s): Michelle S. Bourgeois, PhD, CCC-SLP; Tammy Hopper, PhD, CCC-SLP; Renee Kinder, MS, CCC-SLP; Michelle Tristani, MS, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 5.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.55
Summary: This course includes five recorded sessions from the 2016 online conference “Maximizing Functional Outcomes for Patients With Dementia.” These sessions focus on key components of functional assessment and treatment of dementia within the constraints of current service delivery models. The conference included a total of 13 sessions, with the broad goal of describing a range of evidence-based clinical care techniques to get to the heart of patient-centered dementia care.
Presenter(s): Kevin Patterson, MD
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: SLPs frequently evaluate and provide rehabilitation services to patients with sudden changes in cognitive status. This session will provide a foundation for understanding delirium—one of the most common reasons for acute cognitive change among older adults. As a symptom of other underlying medical issues, delirium frequently goes unrecognized or is misattributed as a mental health or primary neurologic issue, which leads to inaccurate treatment and recovery approaches. This session will help SLPs recognize delirium and improve early detection and treatment for patients in hospitals and nursing home settings.
Presenter(s): Jessica Brown, PhD, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: This session discusses various testing options for assessing adults and adolescents with TBI, including self-report measures, standardized assessments, and functional evaluation procedures. The speaker uses clinical case examples across these testing domains to illustrate the usefulness of the tools and how they can help alleviate assessment challenges clinicians often face. This course is a recorded session from the 2020 online conference “Maximizing Functional Outcomes for Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injuries.”
Presenter(s): Ken Brummel-Smith, MD; Valarie B. Fleming, PhD, CCC-SLP; Becky Khayum, MS, CCC-SLP; Emily Rogalski, PhD
Credit(s): PDHs: 5.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.5
Summary: This course includes four recorded sessions from the 2016 online conference "Maximizing Functional Outcomes for Patients With Dementia." These sessions focus on identification and management of individuals with primary progressive aphasia, Alzheimer’s disease, other major types of dementia, and mild cognitive impairment. The conference included a total of 13 sessions, with the broad goal of describing a range of evidence-based clinical care techniques to get to the heart of patient-centered dementia care.
Presenter(s): Kathryn Hardin, PhD, CCC-SLP, CBIST
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: This session discusses the current SLP practice recommendations when it comes to assessment and intervention for concussion/mild TBI, including how SLPs can integrate into interdisciplinary care models. The speaker also discusses considerations related to hearing and auditory processing after mild TBI. This course is a recorded session from the 2020 online conference “Maximizing Functional Outcomes for Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injuries.”
Presenter(s): Jessica Brown, PhD, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: Too often, therapeutic progress that happens in a clinical setting does not translate to real-world gains. This session discusses various strategies to create and implement functional treatment plans for patients with TBI to capitalize on their strengths and increase independence in real-world settings. This course is a recorded session from the 2020 online conference “Maximizing Functional Outcomes for Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injuries.”
Presenter(s): Catherine A. Shonley, MA, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: This session explores evaluation and treatment of swallowing and breathing issues following traumatic brain injury. The speaker discusses how to account for deficits in cognition, self-regulation, and arousal as well as concomitant injuries necessitating prolonged mechanical ventilation, which add complexity to the clinical picture for this unique patient population. This course is a recorded session from the 2020 online conference “Maximizing Functional Outcomes for Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injuries.”
Presenter(s): Kendrea L. (Focht) Garand, PhD, CScD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, CBIS, CCRE
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.2
Summary: This session—a recorded session from ASHA’s 2020 Health Care Connect online conference—explores the power of a comprehensive cranial nerve assessment as part of a swallow examination. The speaker discusses neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the cranial nerves and shares a step-by-step procedure for performing a cranial nerve assessment, including identification of common abnormalities and how to document findings.
Presenter(s): Kelly Petska, PhD
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: This session explores mental health conditions—including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and ambiguous loss—that individuals with TBI often experience. The speaker discusses how to recognize symptoms, normalize the experiences, and support recovery for individuals with TBI. This course is a recorded session from the 2020 online conference “Maximizing Functional Outcomes for Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injuries.”
Presenter(s): Michelle Ranae Wild, MA
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: This session explores how mobile apps can help adults and adolescents recovering from TBI address common executive function and self-regulation challenges. This course is a recorded session from the 2020 online conference “Maximizing Functional Outcomes for Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injuries.”
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