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Presenter(s): Maja Katusic, MD; Kelly Brytowski, MA, CCC-SLP; Becky S Baas, MA, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: This course explores the common journeys children with motor speech disorders and their families undertake when seeking diagnosis and treatment. The speakers discuss the medical workup, the role of expert SLPs, and the partnerships among the medical and educational teams serving children.
Credit(s): PDHs: 3.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.35
Summary: These three articles center on aspects of audiology and speech-language pathology providers in pediatric hearing loss. First, “eHealth Coaching: Counseling Characteristics of Coaches Used With Parents” centers on identifying clinician communication behaviors and missed opportunities during an eHealth intervention. Themes were identified within each category. Trends included greater use of close-ended questions over open-ended questions, frequent responses to parent emotions, and engagement in a shared process through providing information and exploring progress on parent goals. Missed opportunities occurred within each category. Coaches' communication behaviors demonstrated support for parent learning that was positively received. Joint planning to address parent challenges was a missed opportunity to support parent behavior changes regarding hearing-aid routines. The aim of “Listening and Spoken Language Specialist Auditory–Verbal Certification: Self-Perceived Benefits and Barriers to Inform Change” was to explore the professional's viewpoint on the path to the Listening and Spoken Language Specialist (LSLS) certification. There were 295 participants from different parts of the world: certified LSLSs, mentees pursuing certification, and professionals interested in certification. The study addressed motivation, self-perceived gains, challenges, and barriers in an international cohort. The purpose of the study was to guide future changes within the certification system. Several indicators pointed to the need for more awareness of significant gains LSLS certification can bring to professionals. There is also a need to address, minimize, and overcome perceived barriers in the process. Similarly, research is warranted to explore obtaining LSLS certification outside English-speaking countries and with a larger, more population-based sample. In the closing article, “Comfort Levels of Providers Serving Children Who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing: Discrepancies and Opportunities,” Blaiser and Mahshie discuss that while best practice outlines specific skills and expertise from highly qualified providers, in reality, many lack confidence related to hearing technology and resources related to serving children who are deaf/hard of hearing (DHH). The study surveyed 459 professionals in ASHA serving children who are DHH. The intent was to compare differences in confidence, training, and using resources between providers who have a self-selected interest in working with children who are DHH (membership in SIG 9) and those who serve children who are DHH and are not part of the hearing-related SIG. The results indicate that there is limited provider confidence in working with this population. These conclusions provide graduate training programs opportunities to explore provision of more intensive, comprehensive experience to better serve children who are DHH.
Presenter(s): Alicia B Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: Cultural competence can be defined as the knowledge and skills a provider requires in order to meet the social, cultural, and linguistic needs of clients, patients, and/or students while providing impactful services. This micro course explores questions like, "What are ways I can obtain information about the cultural traditions, preferences, and experiences of a client, patient, or student?" and "How can I partner with them to gain this essential information?"
Presenter(s): Alicia B Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: Cultural humility involves orienting yourself to the cultural aspects that are most important to your client, patient, or student. It embodies an attitude of partnership that fosters curiosity and respect for the individual's cultural practices and preferences while acknowledging areas where the clinician may lack knowledge. This micro course explores questions like, "How might my personal cultural practices impact my interactions?" and "How can I develop and hone skills to recognize these situations?"
Presenter(s): Alicia B Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: Cultural responsiveness is an approach that uses both cultural knowledge/competence and cultural humility to honor a client's culture across all aspects of their treatment and learning. Cultural responsiveness is a fluid approach and requires partnership with a client as well as self-reflection. This micro course explores questions related to cultural responsiveness, like, "What does a culturally responsive interaction look and feel like?" and "How might one situation elicit many different reactions or perceptions?"
Presenter(s): Alicia B Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: A culturally responsive professional uses tools and resources to enhance their cultural competence (knowledge), develop their cultural humility to strengthen client relationships, and create interactions that value and honor the individual culture of the client, patient, or student, while working together to reach the individual's goals. This micro course explores questions related to cultural responsiveness, like, "How can I create a practice of self-reflection to enhance my interactions?" and "What are resources I can turn to when I want to develop my competence?"
Presenter(s): Jennifer Gray, MS, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.2
Summary: Down syndrome is a genetic syndrome characterized by unique anatomical and physiological traits; medical complications affecting movement, respiration, feeding, and metabolism; intellectual disabilities; as well as dysarthria and other communication challenges. This on demand webinar shares evidence-based techniques that target motor speech, voice, fluency, and functional language to maximize intelligibility and comprehensibility of speech and language for individuals with Down syndrome.
Presenter(s): Lauren Calandruccio, PhD, CCC-A
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: This recorded dialog features audiologist Lauren Calandruccio, who discusses evaluating speech perception in patients who are non-native speakers of English and for whom Spanish is their native language.
Presenter(s): Paula Leslie, PhD, MA Bioethics, FRCSLT, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.2
Summary: Eating, drinking, and swallowing are individual actions that are central to identity and cultural participation. For many individuals, spirituality or religious preferences are important aspects of what gives their life meaning. This on demand webinar steps back from swallowing physiology to explore the interplay of eating, drinking, swallowing, and religious beliefs and practices.
Presenter(s): Megan A Morris, PhD, MPH, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: This presentation describes the evidence and future directions for research, practice, and policy to address factors that contribute to disparities in care between minority and non-minority patients. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that persons living with all types of communication disabilities experience disparities in the receipt of high-quality health care services.
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