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Presenter(s): Carly Hillburn, MS, RD, LMNT; Megan L Richmond, DHA, CCC-SLP, CLC; Dipti Dev, PhD
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: A culturally responsive approach to support clients and families from all backgrounds begins with understanding and meeting them where they are. This session explores assessing the mealtime emotional climate for group and interpersonal dynamics between family members, supporting family members and young children's autonomy and self-regulation at mealtimes, and a diagnostic battery that will help produce culturally responsive treatment recommendations and parent education.
Presenter(s): Megan-Brette Hamilton, PhD, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: Many clinicians may feel they lack the time, skills, or competence to effectively address diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); it might feel like one more thing on an already-long list of considerations and requirements. But if we focus on our passion for working with people and change our perspective about providing culturally responsive services, then it's not more work, it is the work. This course discusses the value of addressing DEI as part of audiology and SLP services and provides practical ideas for doing so.
Presenter(s): Megan A Morris, PhD, MPH, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: This presentation describes the evidence and future directions for research, practice, and policy to address factors that contribute to disparities in care between minority and non-minority patients. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that persons living with all types of communication disabilities experience disparities in the receipt of high-quality health care services.
Presenter(s): Megan A Morris, PhD, MPH, CCC-SLP ; Michael McKee, MD, MPH
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: This course explores factors that contribute to health inequities for individuals who report a hearing loss. Individuals with hearing loss report miscommunication, inaccessible health information, reduced awareness by health care providers, and low patient satisfaction while struggling with inadequate health literacy. The course discusses ideas for rethinking and redesigning our health care, through the guidance of innovative clinics and programs, to address these inequities and care for these individuals effectively.
Presenter(s): Sarah Ailey, PhD, RN, PHNA-BC, CNE, CDDN, FAAN; Megan A Morris, PhD, MPH, CCC-SLP; Carole Schwartz, MS, OTR/L
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: This session discusses a project that established a cross-sector national consortium of self-advocates with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), family advocates, community providers, and health care professionals. The consortium guides and evaluates an environmental scan and literature review on best practices in educating health care professional students in the care of persons with IDD, including health care professional students addressing communication disorders.
Presenter(s): Matthew Martinez, MEd
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: This recorded session from the ASHA Audiology 2022 Online Conference provides strategies and tips for how to better communicate and serve individuals with intellectual disabilities. The session explores belief systems that impact working with individuals with significant disabilities, walks through a case study, provides assessment data, and reviews how to implement preferred practices.
Presenter(s): Mary Beth Lannon, EdD, CCC-A
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: This recorded session from the ASHA Audiology 2022 Online Conference explores access to audiological services for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The speaker discusses testing adaptions, as well as training for students and professionals, that can maximize outcomes for these individuals. The session highlights the Special Olympics Healthy Athletes program as an example of a service that is successfully improving audiological evaluation and outcomes for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Presenter(s): Megan A Morris, PhD, MPH, CCC-SLP; Carolyn R Baylor, PhD, CCC-SLP; Ryan D. Pollard, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-F
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: Health care providers' attitudes toward and skills communicating with people with communication disabilities may affect patients' health care outcomes. This session presents research that suggests providers are aware of these inequities but lack skills and confidence to address them. The session explores how training and other initiatives are needed to help providers better care for patients with communication disabilities.
Presenter(s): Alyssa K Dosen; Megan McKim
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: This session explores the strong and complex relationship between pediatric mental and behavioral health and skills in cognition, language, and social communication. The session reviews a speech-language pathology program and service delivery model for youth receiving acute psychiatric care at one of the nation’s top pediatric hospitals, emphasizing the distinct role of SLPs in providing care to youth with mental and behavioral illnesses.
Presenter(s): Huanhuan Shi, MS; Meredith Kincaide; Christina Reuterskiold, PhD, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: This course focuses on a meaning-based approach to language assessment and intervention for intentional communication skills in young children. The nonlinguistic and linguistic context support meaning-driven communication expressed with language form from the child. Speakers discuss language sample analysis and the developmental hierarchy of Language Content/Form/Use, and highlight how this approach is less biased than norm-based assessments when used with children from culturally and linguistically diverse contexts.
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