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Credit(s): PDHs: 2.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.2
Summary: This Perspectives course contains three articles that focus on social considerations in the elderly, with emphases on risk factors for dementia and treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.25
Summary: In “Coupling Hearing Health With Community-Based Group Therapy for Cognitive Health in Low-Income African American Elders,” Postman et al. describe a community-based group intervention to address disparities experienced by African American elders in the early stages of cognitive–communicative decline. The intervention included partnerships with community health centers, culturally informed activities, and ongoing input from staff and participants. The authors describe the advantages of this community-engaged approach, as well as the benefits of joining hearing and cognition for minimizing access barriers. In “Public Health Frameworks in Audiology Education: Rationale and Model for Implementation,” Warren and Levy review how public health education can advance the field of audiology, particularly through coursework and dual degree programs. The authors also describe two frameworks for public health training in an audiology academic setting and identify the competencies that overlap in audiology and public health, helping to illustrate the relevance of public health education in addressing objectives in hearing health care.
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.2
Summary: This course contains two articles: one that discusses health care disparities and the need for better communication access for people with hearing loss, and one that addresses the potential role of audiologists in screening for cognitive impairment.
Credit(s): PDHs: 3.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.35
Summary: This collection of articles provides valuable information on clinical practice in the elderly, including the relationship between physical frailty and cognitive functioning in older adults, communication challenges in older adults in group care settings and the potential factors that contribute to meaningful interactions and engaged communication in these settings, and the importance of providing graduate students opportunities for skill development for end-of-life situations.
Credit(s): PDHs: 6.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.6
Summary: This SIG 10 activity focuses on student perceptions and experiences. In the first article, the experiences of SLP graduate students who previously worked as Speech-Language Pathology Assistants are compared with students who did not come into their programs with such experience. Implications for prospective students and program development are discussed. Next, authors investigate experiences of students and graduates of clinical doctorate programs, including the application process, their career goals and outcomes, and their general reflections on their decision to pursue the doctor of speech-language pathology degree. Third, authors present an examination of SLPs’ perceptions of graduate students in CSD who speak with vocal fry (a low-pitched, grating voice quality). Finally, in a mixed-method study, graduate and undergraduate students participate in a learning-by-teaching experience in two CSD courses. Three years of data is presented.
Credit(s): PDHs: 4.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.45
Summary: In this SIG 10 activity, Farrugia explores the preparatory experiences of SLPs working in early intervention (EI) in Michigan, as a first step toward understanding how to best prepare students for practice and on-the-job learning in EI. McDaniel, Hessling Prahl, and Schuele provide a tutorial for a PhD Student–Mediated Mentorship Model (PSMMM) used within their lab. The PS-MMM teaches PhD students to be research mentors, encourages graduate clinicians to transition to research and doctoral training, and aims to increase the research experiences available to undergraduate and graduate students. Ronney and Kirby offer a critical review regarding service-learning with audiology students and their clients/patients. They describe best practice and common challenges to inform future research. Finally, Brackenbury and Kopf describe how game-based learning can facilitate student and client instruction through increased motivation and engagement, including suggestions for implementation in classroom and clinical settings.
Credit(s): PDHs: 4.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.45
Summary: This course contains four articles that address current demands in geriatric care, including impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shifting demographics reflecting an aging population.
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.15
Summary: These SIG 7 Perspectives articles focus on auditory rehabilitation (AR) for adults with cochlear implants. While the benefits of AR in the population are recognized in the literature, service-delivery models are variable, and there is no gold standard approach to developing and implementing a comprehensive AR program. Glade and colleagues provide an overview of clinical models currently being used for the provision of AR for adults with cochlear implants from nine clinics across the country. The article highlights the importance of interprofessional practice in AR and outlines the roles of professionals included on care teams. There is a discussion about barriers to successful implementation of AR programs, including distance to services, and recommendations for potential solutions, such as teletherapy. In the second article, Mosley describes the process of creating and implementing a comprehensive teleaudiology AR program for older adults who use cochlear implants at the University of South Alabama Speech & Hearing Center.
Credit(s): PDHs: 5.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.5
Summary: In this SIG 10 activity, authors explore holistic admissions in CSD programs. Carmichael, Mandulak, and Watkins provide a tutorial for incorporating interviews during the admissions process. Scheer-Cohen, Heisler, and Moineau outline an approach to holistic admissions that includes a video response to a question, an informal group interview, a live lecture with an assessment, a simulation, content quiz, a writing prompt, and an individual live interview. Reisfeld and Kaplan provide a systemic review of admission measures that may be used to predict graduate students’ clinical skills. Finally, Newkirk-Turner and Hudson explore the dangers of unconscious bias in letters of recommendation for graduate admissions.
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.25
Summary: The articles in this course present models for increasing equity and inclusion across our discipline. Girolamo and Ghali introduce a student-led grassroots initiative that supports minority students at all levels. Mohapatra and Mohan propose a model for increasing student diversity and inclusion based on successful programs from other health-related disciplines. Finally, Mishra et al. examine three challenges that faculty of color face: cultural competency, imposter syndrome, and racial microaggressions.
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