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My Hearing Explained: Helping People Make Sense of Their Hearing Health (PD102396)
Adults who are deaf or hard or hearing, as well as families of children with hearing conditions, often report that they struggle to understand the results of hearing assessments, make decisions about next steps, and convey the outcomes and implications to others. This course introduces the Ida Institute’s new conversation guide, My Hearing Explained, a tool to help hearing care professionals (both audiologists and SLPs specializing in hearing care) present hearing test results in a person-centered way and help patients and their families make decisions that are right for them.
Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:
- Discuss potential comorbidities associated with noise-induced hearing loss
- Communicate hearing loss prevention strategies to patients as part of their hearing health care delivery
- List possible outreach opportunities for building awareness of the auditory and non-auditory risks of hazardous noise exposure
Course Reviews
"I will immediately apply this personally for family members and friends to take to their audiology visits to help guide their conversations. Professionally, I am glad to know about this resource so I can share it with my patients for their education."
"Fantastic use of interview clips really got the message across regarding clients' typically having poor understanding of their hearing loss and not understanding the audiogram well."
"I really liked this course about the client's perspective on their hearing loss and I think the "My Hearing Explained" assessment tool is an excellent approach to a layperson understanding more about their hearing difficulties and provides a realistic document to share with their communication partners also about what they are experiencing."
Related Courses
This course is part of Key Courses on Hearing Loss: Risks and Solutions in a Complex World.
See more courses in this series, available as an a la carte purchase.
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On-demand webinars are slide-based presentations that you can watch at your leisure.
Learning Assessment