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Feeding Tubes in Adults With Advanced Illness: Use, Overuse, and the SLP’s Role (WEB16205-IND)
Studies on feeding tubes in individuals with advanced illness have raised doubts about the long-term benefit and potential overuse of feeding tubes. SLPs are often asked to offer recommendations about a person’s ability to eat and drink by mouth but may be concerned that restrictions on oral intake could lead to the use of feeding tubes. The boundaries of professional roles are often blurred, further complicating the issue. This course will address the clinical research surrounding the use of feeding tubes, offer evidence-based practice guidelines, and provide solutions to the challenges facing SLPs with regards to feeding tube overuse.
Learning Objectives:
You will be able to:
- list factors that contribute to the rapid growth of feeding tubes in individuals with advanced illness and conditions for which feeding tubes have and have not been shown to be effective
- utilize effective strategies to overcome the challenge of feeding tube overuse
- describe the role of SLPs in decision-making about gastrostomy tubes and feeding
- suggest alternatives to feeding tubes for individuals who are at high risk for dysphagia and aspiration but with a goal of comfort feeding and no tube
What is Included?
You'll get online access to all the course content, including the full video, references, worksheets, and eManual, so you can access it from anywhere!
Assessment Type
Self-assessment—Think about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your new knowledge.