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Evidence-Based Practices for Treating Language Disorders in Dual Language Learners (WEB3680)

Course Description

SLPs are working with an increasing number of children and families who identify as bilingual, multilingual, or dual language learners (DLLs). Researchers are exploring strategies that are most effective for treating DLLs with language disorders and are also evaluating cultural differences related to family expectations in order to improve the validity of interventions. This journal self-study explores how family expectations can impact the effectiveness of interventions, how expectations may vary across cultures, and what SLP interventions are considered evidence-based when working with DLLs and culturally and linguistically diverse families. These articles are from a two-part forum – Innovations in Clinical Practice for Dual Language Learners – published in the American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.

Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:

  • Identify evidence-based strategies for children who are Deaf or hard of hearing and multilingual
  • Explore ways that SLPs can modify their interventions to better meet the expectations of Latinx families
  • Evaluate current interventions and consider possible modifications to meet the needs of dual language learners


The following articles are included in this course:

  • Adaptation of a Caregiver-Implemented Naturalistic Communication Intervention for Spanish-Speaking Families of Mexican Immigrant Descent: A Promising Start, by Lauren M. Cycyk, Heather W. Moore, Stephanie De Anda, Lidia Huerta, Shaundra Méndez, Christina Patton, and Camille Bourret
  • Effects of a Supplemental Spanish Phonological Awareness Intervention on Latinx Preschoolers' Dual Language Emergent Literacy Skills, by Xigrid T. Soto, Andres Crucet-Choi, and Howard Goldstein
  • Evidence-Based Interventions for Learners Who Are Deaf and/or Multilingual: A Systematic Quality Review, by Kathryn Crowe and Mark Guiberson
  • Early Language Interventions for Young Dual Language Learners: A Scoping Review, by Mark Guiberson and Kyliah Petrita Ferris

Author Information

Read author disclosures here.
Related Courses

This course is part of Key Courses on Working with Multilingual Learners.

DEI Professional Development Requirement

This course counts toward the ASHA certification maintenance professional development requirement for DEI (which encompasses cultural competency; cultural humility; culturally responsive practice; and diversity, equity, and inclusion). See more courses that count toward this requirement or read more about professional development requirements for certification maintenance.

Assessment Type

Self-assessment—Think about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your new knowledge. To earn continuing education credit, you must complete and submit the learning assessment on or before the end date below.

Program History and CE Information

Articles originally published in ASHA scholarly journals
Content origination date: January 11, 2021
End date: January 11, 2026

This course is offered for 0.7 ASHA CEUs (Advanced level, Professional area).

Subscribers Ratings
PDH: 7
ASHA CEU*: 0.7
Item #(s): WEB3680
Available Through: January 11, 2026