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Social-Emotional Needs of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (SIG 9) (On Demand Webinar) (WEB19437)
Drawing from the fields of infant and child development, social cognitive neuroscience, and social psychology, this webinar will focus on enhancing connection, comprehension, and compassion for the social-emotional needs of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. The speaker –a psychologist with expertise in working with children with reduced hearing and their families –will discuss current and relevant science as well as practical, actionable recommendations to support social-emotional functioning for children who are deaf or have hearing loss.
This webinar is part of the SIGnature Series, a collection of webinars developed by volunteers from ASHA’s Special Interest Groups, who share practical, evidence-based suggestions and solutions based on their in-depth knowledge, clinical experiences, and passion for their specialty areas. This webinar was developed by SIG 9: Hearing and Hearing Disorders in Childhood.
Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:
- Describe three ways in which mechanisms for connection influence the social-emotional functioning of a child with reduced hearing
- Analyze and articulate at least one piece of evidence from each of the fields of infant and child development, cognitive neuroscience, and social psychology that inform how children who are deaf or hard of hearing come to understand emotions
- Develop an action plan that incorporates two or more next steps you can implement in your work to promote the social-emotional functioning for children who are deaf or hard of hearing
More Courses in This Series
View all the SIGnature Series courses, available through the ASHA Learning Pass subscription or for a la carte purchase.
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See more courses in this series, available as an a la carte purchase.
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