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Stroke Recovery for African Americans With Aphasia: The SLP’s Role (SIG 2) (On Demand Webinar) (WEB19423)
This webinar highlights the vital role SLPs play in improving outcomes for African Americans with aphasia who are recovering from stroke. The webinar explores how using the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (WHO ICF) framework and the concept of health-related quality of life (HRQL) to determine intervention targets can improve outcomes. The speaker also discusses how SLPs can address health disparities, including in health literacy, that affect African American stroke survivors with and without aphasia.
This webinar is part of the SIGnature Series, a collection of webinars developed by volunteers from ASHA’s Special Interest Groups, who share practical, evidence-based suggestions and solutions based on their in-depth knowledge, clinical experiences, and passion for their specialty areas. This webinar was developed by SIG 2: Neurogenic Communication Disorders.
Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:
- Explain impairment-level components of the WHO ICF and the relationship between environmental and personal factors
- Identify social determinants of health related to education and environment that are within the SLP scope of practice
- Describe components of health-related quality of life for African Americans with aphasia who are recovering from stroke
DEI Professional Development Requirement
This course counts toward the ASHA certification maintenance professional development requirement for DEI (which encompasses cultural competency; cultural humility; culturally responsive practice; and diversity, equity, and inclusion). See more courses that count toward this requirement or read more about professional development requirements for certification maintenance.
Related Courses
View all the SIGnature Series courses, available through the ASHA Learning Pass subscription or for a la carte purchase.
This course is part of Key Courses on Aphasia Intervention.
Learning Assessment