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Factors of Graduate and Undergraduate Student Success (WEBS1021008)
Course Description
These Perspectives (SIG 10) articles explore several issues related to student success. Sylvan, Brock, Perkins, and Garret examine prerequisites required by graduate programs in speech-language pathology across the United States. Roitsch, Murphy, and Raymer investigate the relationship between executive functions and academic outcomes in speech-language pathology graduate students. Richardson, Roberts, and Victor explore ways to predict the clinical success of graduate students studying speechlanguage pathology. Look, Shoemaker, Hoepner, and Blake discover benefits of engaging undergraduate students in research.
Learning Outcomes You will be able to:
- describe the variation in prerequisite graduate requirements across accredited graduate programs in speech-language pathology
- describe how executive function measures relate to academic and clinical outcomes in a speech-language pathology graduate program
- explain the benefits of considering academic and nonacademic variables in the admissions process of selecting highly qualified students for speech-language pathology graduate programs
- describe the benefits of giving undergraduate students an opportunity to participate in high-level research projects, such as systemic reviews
Subscribers Ratings
PDH: 4.5
ASHA CEU*: 0.45
Item #(s):
Available Through:
September 29, 2023