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Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Can Damage the Systems of Hearing and Balance (WEB19752)
Concussion care requires a team with the collective expertise to address all factors that are likely to influence a patient's abilities and performance. This session provides an overview of cutting-edge, emerging research about how brain injury can affect auditory and balance functions.
This course is a recorded session from the 2020 online conference “Maximizing Functional Outcomes for Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injuries.”
Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:
- describe the auditory processing difficulties that are likely after exposure to high-intensity blasts
- describe the types of balance dysfunction that is likely after exposure to high-intensity blasts
- compare civilian mild TBI (mTBI) to blast-exposure in terms of the similarities and differences in physical injuries
- describe the functional effects on hearing and balance that have been found in the civilian mTBI population
What is Included?
You'll get online access to all the course content, including the full video, handouts, and references so you can access it from anywhere!
Assessment Type
Self-assessment—Think about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your new knowledge.
Related Courses
View all courses from the 2020 online conference "Maximizing Functional Outcomes for Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injuries," available through the ASHA Learning Pass subscription or as an a la carte purchase.