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Current Issues in Dysphagia Management (WEB3530)

Course Description

This journal self-study emphasizes clinical decision-making in swallowing and dysphagia management. The articles focus on using data to make clinical decisions, finding noninvasive ways to screen healthy adults, and patient-reported side effects and tolerability of a specific assessment technique.

Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:

  • discuss how data can be used to identify knowledge gaps, aid clinical decision-making, and possibly classify types of dysphagia
  • explain ways to effectively screen healthy older adults for swallowing impairments
  • describe the potential benefits and drawbacks of pharyngeal manometry

Learning Assessment
Online, multiple-choice exam

Subscribers Ratings
PDH: 3
ASHA CEU*: 0.3
Item #(s): WEB3530
Available Through: September 16, 2024