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Diet Texture Modifications for Adults With Dysphagia: Improving Swallow Safety and Quality of Life (On Demand Webinar) (WEB19210)

Presenter(s): Luis F. Riquelme, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
Course Description

This webinar explores texture modifications for foods and liquids and their effects on swallow biomechanics and quality of life for adults with dysphagia. Using clinical scenarios and case studies, the presenter discusses working with patients to achieve the optimal diet texture modifications to maximize outcomes, including patient compliance and satisfaction.

Learning Objectives:
You will be able to:

  • implement an objective test for thickened liquid levels
  • modify clinical protocols based on data from studies on the impact of bolus residue on swallow safety
  • describe two objective food texture testing methods
  • develop a plan for modifying current protocols on food/liquid texture modifications

Content Disclosure: This session focuses on the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) and its application for modifying food textures. Due to a lack of comparable standards, no other standards are discussed.

What is a webinar?

Webinars are slide-based presentation and question-and-answer sessions that you can watch live at a pre-scheduled date and time or on-demand at your leisure after the live event occurs.

Learning assessment


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Subscribers Ratings
PDH: 2
ASHA CEU*: 0.2
Item #(s): WEB19210
Available Through: September 12, 2024