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Assessing Dysarthria in Adults (WEB14590)
Using videos and case studies, this session explores clinical methods for using physical and behavioral observations to evaluate adults for dysarthria. Accurate differential diagnosis of dysarthria can help clinicians diagnose neurological conditions and aid speech-language pathologists and patients in managing these conditions.
Learning Outcomes
You will be able to
- use the ICF framework to characterize the purposes and levels of dysarthria assessment
- elicit speech, speech-like, and non-speech behaviors sensitive to neurologic impairment
- formulate a differential diagnosis of dysarthria based on speech and non-speech observations
- identify appropriate treatment targets based on observations
- Guiding Framework
- Dysarthria Assessment for Differential Diagnosis
- Speech Functions
- Speech-Like Functions
- Nonspeech Functions
- Differential Diagnosis
- Management Planning
- Outcome Assessment
Self-assessment—Think about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your new knowledge.
To earn continuing education credit, you must complete the learning assessment by June 18, 2025.
Presenter Information
Heather Clark, PhD, CCC-SLP, is a senior associate consultant of speech pathology in the Department of Neurology and associate professor of speech pathology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Her clinical responsibilities include differential diagnosis of communication and swallowing disorders in adults and children. Over the past two decades, her research has included a review of neuromuscular treatments, drawing heavily from the literature of related disciplines, including exercise physiology and physical rehabilitation. Prior to returning to full-time clinical practice, she taught graduate-level courses in motor speech disorders, aphasia, and dysphagia. She also supervised clinical practicums in university, hospital, outpatient, and long-term care facilities.
Financial Disclosures
- Senior associate consultant and associate professor at the Mayo Clinic
- Financial compensation from ASHA for this presentation
Nonfinancial Disclosures
- No nonfinancial relationships to the content of this presentation
Program History and CE Information
Original start date: November 26, 2014
End date: June 18, 2025

This course is offered for 0.2 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).
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