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The Emerging Role of SLP in Management of Cognitive-Communication Disorders in the Criminal Justice System (PD102756)
There is a high prevalence of brain injury among youth and adults in the criminal justice system internationally. The cognitive-communication impairments associated with brain injury can be a risk factor for both justice involvement and recidivism as well as barrier to successful community reintegration. This session focuses on the emerging role of speech-language pathologists with this underserved population, which may include assessment and intervention but may also include advocacy as well as training and education of front-line staff and justice professionals. Additional factors such as providing trauma-responsive care will also be discussed.
This course is a recorded session from the 2022 ASHA Convention Virtual Library (session 2006V), developed by, and presenters invited by, Acquired Cognitive Communication Disorders.
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See more sessions from the 2022 ASHA Convention.
You will
be able to:
- Describe the prevalence of brain injuries among youth and adults in the criminal justice system
- Explain how cognitive-communication and social communication disorders can be a risk factor for justice involvement and a barrier to community reintegration
- Discuss and describe the emerging role for speech-language pathologists in the assessment and management of cognitive-communication disorders in this vulnerable community
Presenter Information
Dr. Catherine Wiseman-Hakes, PhD (presenting author) is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Speech Language Pathology Program at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. She has devoted her career toward a better understanding of the factors that impact recovery from traumatic brain injury as well as developing interventions to support positive outcomes. She has particular interest in vulnerable populations and has conducted research with youth and adults with traumatic brain injury who intersect with the criminal justice system.
Financial Disclosures:
- Grant funding from Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation
Nonfinancial Disclosures:
- Working group member and speaker for National Association of State Head Injury Associations (NASHIA) Juvenile Justice
- Invited member of the Brain Injury and Justice (B-JUST) advisory committee at C-BIRT, Centre for Brain Injury Research and Training, U of Oregon
- Advisory Committee member at Human Services Justice Coordinating Committee of Ontario (HSJCC), Downtown Toronto Division
- Founder and director of the Compassionate Justice Fund
- Author of Implementing Culturally Responsive and Trauma-Informed Care in Acquired Cognitive Communication Disorders: SLP Considerations for Marginalized and Underserved Populations (Plural Publishing, in press)
Assessment Type
Self-assessment—Think about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your new knowledge.
To earn continuing education credit, you must complete the learning assessment by the end date below.
Program History and CE Information
Content origination
date: November 2022
End date: February
1, 2029.

This course is offered for 0.05 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).