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So You Want to Start a Nonprofit (PD102783)
Have you ever dreamed of using the incredible skills you’ve learned as an SLP in a different arena? Whether you want to explore a career change or turn your SLP skill set into a passion project of social service, this session aims to inspire and guide you on how and why a dive into the nonprofit world may be for you. The presenter shares their journey starting and nurturing a nonprofit organization using current skills and gaining a lot more along the way. The session explores the benefits and hurdles of such an adventure and outlines tips to help you get started building your own dreams in this rewarding niche.
This course is a recorded session from the 2023 online conference "Keys to a Successful SLP Private Practice."
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You will
be able to:
- Discuss at least three benefits of nonprofit structure in achieving social service and business objectives
- Describe at least three steps that can be taken today to start a nonprofit venture
- Identify at least three resources for ongoing learning and execution of nonprofit goals
Presenter Information
Tanna Neufeld, MS, CCC-SLP, is an SLP by training with 15 years in the field supporting pediatric clients and families. On her career journey, she has branched out into several niche markets to broaden her skill set and add variety to her work-life experiences. Neufeld currently owns a private practice offering telehealth services for children and families who use AAC. She is also the product manager for an assistive technology startup that creates apps to support neurodiverse individuals and their families. And because there must be more hours in the day, she is also the founder and director of the nonprofit, web-based organization AACcessible, a mission-driven project that aims to improve global access to AAC tools and strategies through education, awareness, advocacy, and action. Neufeld catches her breath and recharges her batteries by spending time with her two young children and her husband, running, cooking, and reading.
Financial Disclosures:
- Financial compensation from ASHA for this presentation
- Salary from Goally
- Private consulting services through Summit AAC and Autism Services
Nonfinancial Disclosures:
- ASHA member
- ASHA SIG 12 affiliate
- Founding director at AACcessible and The AAC Academy
Assessment Type
Self-assessment—Think about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your new knowledge.
To earn continuing education credit, you must complete the learning assessment by the end date below.
Program History and CE Information
conference dates: May 10–22, 2023, September 6–18, 2023
Start date: January
29, 2024
End date: January
29, 2029

This course is offered for 0.1 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Related area).