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Interprofessional Management of Dementia: Maximizing Functional Outcomes (WEB16043)
This course includes three recorded sessions from the 2016 online conference "Maximizing Functional Outcomes for Patients With Dementia." These sessions focus on working with all the stakeholders involved in treating patients with dementia – the individual, family members and other caregivers, and all the health care professionals involved in the person’s care. Sessions discuss caregiver counseling and support, helping patients with hearing loss, and a specific model for interdisciplinary care. The conference included a total of 13 sessions, with the broad goal of describing a range of evidence-based clinical care techniques to get to the heart of patient-centered dementia care.
The three sessions in this course are:
- A Team Approach for Addressing Hearing Loss in Patients With Dementia, by Yvonne Rogalski and Amy Rominger
- The Care Pathway Model: Interdisciplinary Care for People With Dementia and Their Families, by Becky Khayum and Darby Morhardt
- Caregiver Counseling and Training, by Michelle S. Bourgeois
Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:
- identify how SLPs and audiologists can facilitate hearing in a person with dementia
- describe the Care Pathway Model and how an interdisciplinary approach to dementia care may be applied in your health care setting
- describe the range of caregiver interventions—including education, skills training, counseling, and support groups—available and the predicted benefits of each type for various types of caregivers
Learning Assessment
Related Courses
View all courses from the “Maximizing Functional Outcomes for Patients With Dementia” online conference, available through the ASHA Learning Pass subscription or as an a la carte purchase.