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Cognitive Screening as an Integrated Evaluation and Outcome Measure in Audiology Practice (PD102532)
Considering a patient’s cognitive status in evidence-based audiology practice has been a hot topic for almost a decade. And while the evidence continues to build regarding the brain’s critical role in hearing and communication, approaching audiologic treatment from the perspective of both peripheral and central hearing systems has not emerged as standard practice. To move audiology forward in the 21st century, it is imperative that audiologists begin to approach audiologic assessment beyond the peripheral auditory system by evaluating and considering the entire ear-to-brain pathway. This includes the implementation of additional patient assessments, including cognitive screening. This course reviews the relationship between brain health and hearing health, including the supporting research, and then dives into how expanding patient evaluations can facilitate a more holistic and patient-centered approach to patient counseling and care planning. The presenter highlights real-world data to demonstrate the value of new clinical insights available through cognitive screening.
This course is a recorded session from the 2021 ASHA Convention Virtual Library (session 2145V). The session was developed by, and presenters invited by, Hearing, Balance, Tinnitus – Assessment and Intervention: Adults.
Content disclosure: Session offers information on expanded evaluation measures typically included in a Functional and Communication Needs assessment, with particular emphasis on cognitive screening. With regard to cognitive screening, multiple methods are presented, but discussion/emphasis centers primarily around Cognivue Thrive due to speaker’s experience and use of the device in her clinical practice.
Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:
- Describe the role of cognition in hearing and communication
- Discuss the value of incorporating expanded patient assessments, including cognitive screening, in clinical practice
- Integrate cognitive screening results into patient counseling and care planning
Presenter Information
Dr. Susan Sheehy, AuD (Presenting Author), is co-owner of Alabama Hearing Associates in Huntsville, Alabama. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at University of Alabama and received her doctorate from Salus University. She serves as an Ambassador for Cognivue and is a member of the American Academy of Audiology, Academy of Doctors of Audiology, and American Tinnitus Association. Dr. Sheehy has served as chairperson of the Alabama State Board of Examiners in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.
Financial Disclosures:
- Co-owner of Alabama Hearing Associates
- Ownership interest in Entheos Audiology Cooperative
- Volunteer ambassador for Cognivue, with proprietary use of Cognivue Thrive within Alabama Hearing Associate’s business region
Nonfinancial Disclosures:
- No nonfinancial relationships relevant to the content of the session
Assessment Type
Self-assessment—Think about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your new knowledge.
To earn continuing education credit, you must complete the learning assessment by the end date below.
Program History and CE Information
origination date: November 2021
End date: March 9,

This course is offered for 0.05 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).