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Clinical Applications of Meta-Therapy in Speech-Language Pathology (WEBS0320321)
Course Description
Meta-therapy is an integral pillar of clinical practice; however, the lack of formal training in this area often makes the concept and application of meta-therapy elusive to clinicians. The goal of this SIG 3 activity is to disseminate how meta-therapy can be effectively utilized in the clinical domains of voice disorders, fluency, dysphagia, and cognitive communication and aphasia.
You will be able to:
- define meta-therapy in the context of a voice evaluation session
- describe two examples of meta-therapy narratives specific to stuttering therapy
- describe how to integrate meta-therapy into dysphagia rehabilitation
- list and describe the five goals of meta-therapy
Assessment Type
Self-assessment—Think about what you learned and
report on the Completion Form how you will use your new knowledge.
Articles in This Course
- Introduction to the Perspectives Forum on the Topic of Meta-Therapy in Speech-Language Pathology by Leah B. Helou, published in SIG 3, Published online: June 14, 2022
- Meta-Therapy Applications for the Voice Evaluation by Brian E. Petty, Amanda I. Gillespie, and Eva van Leer, published in SIG 3, Published online: November 9, 2022
- Beyond the Stuttering Toolbox: The Concept of Meta-Therapy by Katie Gore and Courtney L. Margulis, published in SIG 3, Published online: June 7, 2023
- Application of Meta-Therapy to Dysphagia Rehabilitation by Cara Donohue and James L. Coyle, published in SIG 3, Published online: October 6, 2022
- Mapping Meta-Therapy Onto the Treatment of Cognitive-Communication and Language Disorders in Adults by Victoria E. Tilton-Bolowsky, Alaina S. Davis, and Lauryn Zipse, published in SIG 3, Published online: November 15, 2022
Subscribers Ratings
PDH: 4.5
ASHA CEU*: 0.45
Item #(s):
Available Through:
July 17, 2028