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Student Learning in the Field of Communication Sciences and Disorders (WEBS1021014)
In this SIG 10 activity, Farrugia explores the preparatory experiences of SLPs working in early intervention (EI) in Michigan, as a first step toward understanding how to best prepare students for practice and on-the-job learning in EI. McDaniel, Hessling Prahl, and Schuele provide a tutorial for a PhD Student–Mediated Mentorship Model (PSMMM) used within their lab. The PS-MMM teaches PhD students to be research mentors, encourages graduate clinicians to transition to research and doctoral training, and aims to increase the research experiences available to undergraduate and graduate students. Ronney and Kirby offer a critical review regarding service-learning with audiology students and their clients/patients. They describe best practice and common challenges to inform future research. Finally, Brackenbury and Kopf describe how gamebased learning can facilitate student and client instruction through increased motivation and engagement, including suggestions for implementation in classroom and clinical settings.
will be able to:
- summarize preparation experiences of EI-based SLPs practicing in Michigan
- explain how the PS-MMM approach could address the PhD shortage in the field of CSD
- list potential benefits of service-learning for audiology students and their clients/patients
- describe how serious games and gamification increase motivation and engagement
about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your
new knowledge.
Articles in This Course
- From Higher Education to Hands-On: A Qualitative Examination of the Preparation of Early Intervention Speech-Language Pathologists by Audrey M. Farrugia, published in SIG 10, Volume 7, Issue 3, June 13, 2022
- Rethinking Research Mentoring: A Tutorial on How and Why to Implement a PhD Student–Mediated Mentorship Model by Jena McDaniel, Alison Hessling Prahl, and C. Melanie Schuele, published in SIG 10, Volume 7, Issue 2, April 14, 2022
- Service-Learning in Audiology: A Systematic Review by Alexis Ronney and Benjamin J. Kirby, published in SIG 10, Volume 6, Issue 5, October 20, 2021
- Serious Games and Gamification: Game-Based Learning in Communication Sciences and Disorders by Tim Brackenbury and Lisa Kopf, published in SIG 10, Volume 7, Issue 2, April 14, 2022