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Hearing Protection Device Fit Testing: A Primer (PD102634)

Presenter(s): Stephanie J Karch, AuD, PhD, CCC-A
Course Description

This recorded session from the ASHA Audiology 2022 Online Conference (Expanding Your Clinical Role track) explores the concept of hearing protection device (HPD) fit testing and various fit test methods. The speaker discusses application and use of HPD fit testing within occupational audiology and hearing conservation programs. The audience for this introductory session is any hearing health care professional and/or hearing conservationist who is interested in expanding their field of practice to include HPD fit testing.

Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:

  • Compare HPD fit test methods 
  • Explain how to determine appropriateness of HPD fit and type 
  • Describe methods to implement HPD fit testing in clinical and occupational practice 
  • Calculate effective noise exposure using an individual’s personal attenuation rating (PAR) value


  • HPD Fit Testing Defined
  • HPD Fit Test Methodology
  • PAR Values
  • NSMRL Lessons Learned
  • Putting the PAR Into Practice
  • Key Takeaways

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View all courses from the ASHA Audiology 2022 Online Conference.

Presenter Information

Stephanie Karch, AuD, PhD, CCC-A, is a research audiologist at the Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory (NSMRL) and works as a principal investigator on the Regional Hearing Conservation Program of Record. In this role, she investigates the prevention of auditory injury (e.g., hearing loss, tinnitus) among service members. Specifically, she studies the effect of training and verification of hearing protection in the field, clinic, and laboratory; and the effect of hearing protection on auditory function (e.g., situational awareness, speech intelligibility, localization). A graduate in audiology of Gallaudet University (AuD and PhD), Dr. Karch has over 7 years of PhD-level experience in military medical research, having served in Navy and Army medical research laboratories. Previous to her work at NSMRL, she characterized the vestibular function of military aviators and investigated the comorbidity of auditory injuries and mild traumatic brain injuries.

Financial Disclosures:

  • None

Nonfinancial Disclosures:

  • None

Assessment Type

Self-assessment—Think about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your new knowledge.

To earn continuing education credit, you must complete the learning assessment by January 17, 2028.

Program History and CE Information

Content origination date: September 2022
End date: January 17, 2028

This course is offered for 0.1 ASHA CEUs (Introductory level, Professional area).

Subscribers Ratings
PDH: 1
ASHA CEU*: 0.1
Item #(s): PD102634
Available Through: January 17, 2028