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Auditory-Verbal Intervention for Learners Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing: A Primer (PD102299)

Presenter(s): Alliete R. Alfano, PhD, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT; Jenna Voss, PhD, CED, LSLS Cert. AVEd
Course Description

Audiologists and SLPs are critical team members who can support listening and spoken language outcomes for students who are deaf/hard of hearing (DHH). This webinar discusses auditory-verbal intervention as an approach for learners who are DHH and learning to listen and/or talk. The presenters explore foundational elements critical for success in auditory-verbal intervention, including audiologic assessment and management, caregiver engagement, and support from interprofessional teams. The course describes models of intervention, including home-based, school-/center-based, and remote. The presenters utilize case scenarios to illustrate service provision for learners who are DHH from a range of diverse backgrounds and experiences as they develop listening and spoken language skills.

Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:

  • Describe the foundational requirements that must be in place for children who are DHH to learn to listen and talk
  • Explain models of service delivery for listening and spoken language intervention with DHH children from birth through school age
  • Examine related factors that must be considered to support children who are DHH—and their families—from a range of diverse backgrounds and experiences
  • Identify assessments and intervention strategies to promote listening and spoken language for learners who are DHH
  • Related Courses

    This course is part of Key Courses on Services and Supports for Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

    See more courses in this series, available as an a la carte purchase.

    Presenter Information

    Jenna Voss, PhD, CED, LSLS Cert. AVEd, is an Associate Professor and Communication Disorders & Deaf Education Department Chair at Fontbonne University. Her scholarly priorities focus on aspects of equity and inclusion, implementation of family-centered practice, and personnel preparation. Voss is co-author of two texts: Small Talk: Bringing Listening and Spoken Language to Your Young Child With Hearing Loss and Case Studies in Deaf Education: Inquiry, Application and Resources.

    Financial Disclosures:

    • Financial compensation from ASHA for this presentation
    • Associate Professor and Chair, Communication Disorders & Deaf Education, Fontbonne University

    Nonfinancial Disclosures:

    • AG Bell Academy Board of Directors
    • The Radical Middle DHH Founding Board Member

    Alliete Alfano, PhD, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT, is a bilingual speech-language pathologist, assistant professor in Communication Sciences and Disorders at Florida International University, LSLS Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist, and the President of the Alfano Center (a private practice in Miami). She provides AVT to families who have children with hearing loss in English and Spanish at the Alfano Center. As the director of the Hearing, Empowerment, and Linguistic Diversity (HELD) Research Lab, her research agenda includes: (1) understanding the bilingual speech, language, and hearing development of individuals with hearing loss; (2) developing clinical tools to assess Spanish-speaking speech, language, and hearing skills of bilingual individuals with hearing loss; (3) developing auditory training tools to enhance the hearing skills of individuals with hearing loss who use hearing technology; and (4) training individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to work with patients with communication disorders who are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. She teaches courses in diagnostics, bilingual language development, and aural rehabilitation, presents in Spanish and English on AVT, and mentors AVT mentees internationally.

    Financial Disclosures:

    • Financial compensation from ASHA for this presentation
    • Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Florida International University

    Nonfinancial Disclosures:

    • AG Bell Academy Certification Committee

    Assessment Type

    Self-assessment—Think about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your new knowledge.

    To earn continuing education credit, you must complete the learning assessment by October 31, 2027.

    Program History and CE Information

    Content origination date: August 15, 2022
    End date: October 31, 2027

    This course is offered for 0.15 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).

Subscribers Ratings
PDH: 1.5
ASHA CEU*: 0.15
Item #(s): PD102299
Available Through: October 31, 2027