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Self-Reported Confidence and Knowledge in Working With CLD Populations and Considerations for Assessment in Individuals Who Speak Languages Other Than English (WEBS1421420)
The theme for this SIG 14 activity is self-reported confidence and knowledge between multilingual and monolingual speech-language pathologists in working with culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) individuals and assessment considerations when working with individuals who speak a language other than English. Topics include (a) examining differences between self-reported confidence and knowledge in multilingual and monolingual speech language pathologists; (b) nonword repetition in assessment; and (c) sound sequencing characteristics in words of children who speak German.
will be able to:
- summarize possible confidence-related implications of being a multilingual versus monolingual speech-language pathologist working with clients who are culturally and linguistically diverse
- describe the various characteristics of nonword repetition tasks including aspects of stimuli and scoring methods
- identify German consonants for intervention planning for German-speaking children or German–English bilingual populations
Articles in This Course
- Self-Reported Confidence and Knowledge-Based Differences Between Multilingual and Monolingual Speech-Language Pathologists When Serving Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations by Taylor L. Narayanan and Heather L. Ramsdell, published in SIG 14, Volume 7, Issue 1, February 11, 2022
- Nonword Repetition in Bilingual Assessment: A Guide to Clinical Application by José A. Ortiz, published in SIG 14, Volume 6, Issue 6, December 17, 2021
- Phonetic Characteristics of Children's Early Words in German: Data From Typically Developing Children With Clinical Implications by Rebekka Cassidy, Katsura Aoyama, and Barbara L. Davis, published in SIG 14, Volume 7, Issue 3, June 13, 2022
DEI Professional Development Requirement
This course counts toward the ASHA certification maintenance professional development requirement for DEI (which encompasses cultural competency; cultural humility; culturally responsive practice; and diversity, equity, and inclusion). See more courses that count toward this requirement or read more about professional development requirements for certification maintenance.
about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your
new knowledge.