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Predictors of Caseload Size and Articulation Intervention (WEBS1621626)
This SIG 16 Perspectives activity includes research that focuses on caseload issues and articulation intervention. In the first article, Shanks and Hall-Mills examine the relationship between school factors and speech-language therapy enrollment in public schools. They determined that certain factors such as socioeconomic status and English as a second or other language enrollment correlate to high caseloads. The next two articles focus on articulation intervention in special populations. Flipsen and Sacks replicate the findings of a previous study regarding the efficacy of using the SATPAC (Systematic Articulation Training Program Accessing Computers) approach with children receiving intervention through response to intervention. Reported findings indicate that SATPAC can be used effectively within the response to intervention process to remediate single sound errors in children. Finally, Findley and Gasparyan investigate the effectiveness of biofeedback technologies as a form of intervention for speech sound production. Specifically, they explore the use of speech to text in children with articulation disorders.
will be able to:
- explain the relations between school-level demographic factors and therapy enrollment
- summarize the immediate and delayed effects of the SATPAC treatment on students’ speech sound errors
- describe ways in which speech-to-text might be used as a form of biofeedback in the treatment of speech sound disorders
about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your
new knowledge.
Articles in This Course
- School-Level Predictors of Speech-Language Therapy Enrollment by Lauryn Shanks and Shannon Hall-Mills, published in SIG 16, Volume 7, Issue 3, June 13, 2022
- The SATPAC Approach and Remediation of Speech Sound Errors in an RTI Context: A Replication by Peter Flipsen Jr. and Stephen Sacks, published in SIG 16, Volume 7, Issue 3, June 13, 2022
- Use of Speech-to-Text Biofeedback in Intervention for Children With Articulation Disorders by Brooke R. Findley and Diana Gasparyan, published in SIG 16, Volume 7, Issue 3, June 13, 2022