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Presenter(s): Megan-Brette Hamilton, PhD, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: Many clinicians may feel they lack the time, skills, or competence to effectively address diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); it might feel like one more thing on an already-long list of considerations and requirements. But if we focus on our passion for working with people and change our perspective about providing culturally responsive services, then it's not more work, it is the work. This course discusses the value of addressing DEI as part of audiology and SLP services and provides practical ideas for doing so.
Presenter(s): Noma B Anderson, PhD
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.2
Summary: Audiologists and SLPs can better serve individuals with disabilities when we are cognizant of ableism, implicit bias, and microaggressions. This on demand webinar explores perspectives on disability as well as the acquisition of a disability identity and voice. The speaker discusses the importance of allies and alliances and how clinicians can contribute to client, student, and patient empowerment.
Presenter(s): Kyomi Dana Gregory-Martin, PhD, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.2
Summary: When evaluating and treating a client, patient, or student for any type of disorder, audiologists and SLPs need to consider the individual's culture, including the language and dialect they speak. This on demand webinar discusses the acronym MIND (Minority Indigenous Nonstandardized Dialects) and explores the social stigma and unfair treatment individuals often experience due to their language or dialect (known as linguicism).
Presenter(s): Neela Swanson, BA; Wendy DeLeo LeBorgne, PhD, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.2
Summary: This course provides a foundation of practical coding knowledge to help SLPs accurately submit payment claims. The course reviews diagnosis and procedure coding fundamentals, including the important rules and tools to help avoid common pitfalls. Speakers explore real-world coding and claims case studies and provide strategies you can use to navigate your own unique scenarios.
Presenter(s): Jill E Shook, MS, CCC-SLP; Tanna Lynn Neufeld, MS, CCC-SLP; Carrie L Fleming, MEd, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: When establishing a private practice, it is important to consider that private practice looks different for everyone and that it is possible to build a practice that fits your personal needs, goals, and values. In this panel discussion, three SLP private practice owners present their unique insights, highlighting lessons learned, success stories, and pitfalls to avoid. The speakers share marketing strategies, funding sources, and resources to help you start or grow the practice that is right for you.
Presenter(s): Neela Swanson, BA
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: This course provides practical coding and payment information for clinicians considering telehealth as a new service delivery model. The course discusses coding, billing, and compliance considerations and provides resources to help clinicians navigate state, federal, and payer laws and regulations. The speaker reviews common questions and case scenarios.
Presenter(s): Claire A. Lombardo-Miller, MS, CCC-SLP, NIC
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.2
Summary: Deaf children are seen in increasing numbers in public schools and SLPs' private practices, though there are few graduate-level programs that prepare SLPs to work with this culturally and linguistically unique population. This course is intended for SLPs with little to no knowledge of bilingual (American Sign Language [ASL] and spoken language) assessment of children who are Deaf/hard of hearing. The session provides a beginning foundation so that you can approach the assessment of a bilingual DHH child with an increased sense of awareness and tools at your disposal.
Presenter(s): Julie A G Stierwalt, PhD, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: Principles of motor learning (PML) are guidelines developed for the purpose of training motor execution of movement. Initially designed for training in the limbs, the methods have been adapted for use with the oral motor system. This course reviews how PML can be employed in training protocols targeting speech production.
Presenter(s): Joleen R Fernald, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-CL
Credit(s): PDHs: 1.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.1
Summary: Motor planning is an individual difference that impacts much more than motor skills, including social-emotional skills and speech and language development. It impacts areas like executive functioning and written narratives. This presentation discusses the components of motor planning, how to support clients with motor planning challenges, and strategies for discussing praxis with caregivers.
Presenter(s): Matthew Hall, PhD; Stephanie DeAnda, PhD, CCC-SLP
Credit(s): PDHs: 0.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.05
Summary: Language assessment in children who are deaf or hard of hearing often focuses on language outcomes without a precise characterization of the child's language learning history. Speech-language pathologists and other early interventionists need support in ensuring that the child's cumulative experience with linguistic input (or lack thereof) is also captured. This session presents a practical approach for this process that follows emerging research on language access profiles. This course is a recorded technical session from the 2021 ASHA Convention Virtual Library (session 4064V).
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