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Credit(s): PDHs: 3.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.35
Summary: In this SIG 4 activity, learners will read three peer-reviewed articles centered on cluttering in preadolescent through adult speakers. The first article is a case study of a preadolescent with cluttering. In this paper, the authors highlight brain development during adolescence, adolescent cognitive and emotional development, and the effects of a therapy approach based on objective speech measures. The second article is a research study concerned with disfluency clusters produced by adults with cluttering in natural conversations. The authors describe how disfluency clusters are affected by the nature of the relationship between speakers. The last article presents qualitative data from a focus group of adults with cluttering who have emerged as community leaders. Their reflections include recommendations for listeners and support groups, self management, and their thoughts on labels and acronyms.
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.25
Summary: This SIG 14 activity reviews recommendations for families raising multilingual children with autism and examines types of support received by multicultural individuals who stutter. Topics include (a) a review of recommendations for families raising multilingual children with autism and (b) concepts of family support in stuttering.
Credit(s): PDHs: 5.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.55
Summary: In this SIG 4 activity, authors explore ways to provide experiential learning to graduate students enrolled in stuttering courses (Palasik, Hughes, & Ellis) and discuss the clinical experiences of school-based speech-language pathologists related to stuttering (Panico, Daniels, Yarzebinski, & Hughes), strategies for teachers to support children who stutter (Cozart & Wilson), and ways to interrupt the narrative of ableism that surrounds the treatment of stuttering (Gerlach-Houck & Constantino). Each of these articles provides a unique perspective on ways that professionals can seek to create a more supportive environment for our clients who stutter by changing the foundations of the way we teach preservice clinicians, support our school-based colleagues, and address the narrative of ableism that pervades our culture.
Credit(s): PDHs: 4.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.45
Summary: This SIG 2 activity, participants explore aspects of service delivery and advocacy for people with aphasia that are innovative and/or unique. The first article describes the creation of community aphasia groups and includes guidance for creating aphasia-friendly materials for a variety of purposes. The second article describes the challenges of people with aphasia in navigating the justice system and discusses strategies to support their success within that unique environment. The third article describes the nature of verbal short-term memory impairment in people with aphasia, methods of assessment, and potential directions for treatment.
Credit(s): PDHs: 3.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.35
Summary: The theme for this SIG 14 activity is self-reported confidence and knowledge between multilingual and monolingual speech-language pathologists in working with culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) individuals and assessment considerations when working with individuals who speak a language other than English. Topics include (a) examining differences between self-reported confidence and knowledge in multilingual and monolingual speech language pathologists; (b) nonword repetition in assessment; and (c) sound sequencing characteristics in words of children who speak German.
Credit(s): PDHs: 3.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.3
Summary: The theme for this SIG 14 activity is clinical considerations through paradigm shifts in providing culturally relevant family-centered intervention and instruction. Topics include (a) providing culturally relevant family centered care; (b) second language literacy instruction for multilingual adolescents; and (c) impacts of study abroad experiences on students’ intercultural competence.
Credit(s): PDHs: 3.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.35
Summary: The theme for this Perspectives activity is clinical considerations for working with multicultural populations in schools and the community. Topics include (a) assessment practices for multilingual children in schools, (b) school-based speech language pathologists working with interpreter-translators, and (c) factors associated with clear speech and accentedness in American English.
Credit(s): PDHs: 3.0, ASHA CEUs*: 0.3
Summary: The theme for this Perspectives course is clinical considerations in assessment of children and adults from culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) backgrounds and providing culturally supporting treatment settings. Topics include (a) acoustic parameters of retroflex sounds, (b) the two-question method for assessing gender identity, (c) assessment recommendations for new language learners, and (d) creating culturally supportive settings to foster literacy development.
Credit(s): PDHs: 2.5, ASHA CEUs*: 0.25
Summary: The theme for this SIG 14 activity is building cultural responsivity in speech and language services for professionals using simulations and factors related to college major selection in communication sciences and disorders. Topics include (a) using simulations for professional development and (b) factors related to college major selection in communication sciences and disorders.
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